C2G Nursing 2025

C2G Nursing 2025 Image
Participation Drive
1 Donors
Towards goal of 50 Donors
$20.00 Raised
days left
Project ends on March 15, at 11:55 PM MDT
Project Owners

Global & Population Health Nursing Endowment

Each nursing student has the opportunity to participate in the Global & Population Health Nursing clinical Practicum.  It is an immersive experience designed to improve clinical skills, enhance cultural sensitivity, and prepare students to provide healthcare in any setting. This year we will be sending 118 to 6 different Countries.

“I had a very meaningful nursing experience when I was in the trauma ER at the AIIMS hospital in India. I soon realized that there are a lot more intense traumas in this ER than in any other ER I have been to in the United States. An hour into the day, I was helping do wound care for two brothers that had been attacked by a leopard while working on a mango farm the evening before. The younger brother had a huge gash on his head and the older brother had wounds on his hands and arms. The older brother said that he saw the leopard attack his brother and did all he could to save his brother. They were both okay and received proper wound care but this situation was so meaningful to me because I never would have seen a trauma from a leopard attack in the United States. It made me think about how each country, and region gets really competent at treating certain things. The doctors and nurses knew exactly what to do with this trauma and all the other traumas coming in, whereas a nurse in the U.S. may not know exactly how to best treat a leopard attack. It was so cool for me to learn how to treat different traumas and I hope to continue to be able to learn as a nurse how to treat different types of illnesses. Although I may not have to treat any leopard attack patients, there may be similar cases in the future.“

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